Friday, February 11

Get Cleaned Up!

Ok, so girls.. am I the only one in the world who doesn't wash her hair every single day? First off, it takes a lot of work to wash hair that's as long as mine! But let me tell you one thing, after a day or two without washing my hair and finally washing it.. OMG does my head feel nice. My hair shines and looks pretty again. Had to shower and look decent for work tonight, seeing as I'm working the Host Stand again. It's funny, at work they've been wanting the Lead for our third work area to look after the Host Stand because of budget reasons, but there's no way it's going to work. Both the Cafe and the third area get busy at the same times, the Lead can't look after both.

So, here goes me being Host once again tonight.

I'm sitting here watching Lord of the Rings: Return of the King with my dad. As I'm watching some of the battle scenes, I realized that my best friend's mom would HATE these movies because of all the abuse horses take. *shrug* Oh well.

Yea, I'm totally bored right now. Only another hour before I leave for work, yay! Let's see work from 5-11pm then home to sleep, wake up , shower, and go back at 9am. Got to love weekend schedules! At least I'm working, but I have to deal with all the fucking Bieber fans.. *shudder*

Thursday, February 10

Gift Idea

I'm nervous.

I've been debating for awhile what to get Bear for a combined Valentine's Day/1 year anniversary gift. I was clueless. He keeps a journal, so for Christmas I bought him a leather bound one with a ambigram on the front. It was beautiful. To complete the gift, my parents bought him a fountain pen. He was so happy and wanted me to make the first entry. After much resistance, I made the first entry. He loved it. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it, letting him so far into my head. I'm very self-conscious about myself. I've never really let anyone in after my first experience with heartbreak. With betrayal. With Bear though.. it just feels right to let him in. A better man I have never met than Bear. Little by little, I'm opening up to him. Letting him into that deep part of me I keep hidden from everyone else, even from Boots sometimes.

So, I've been looking for something to get him. I've pretty much covered many of the gift bases with the things I have gotten him already. Most memorably the scrapbook and the journal. He's a man of the more.. sentimental value. He always said that if there was a fire and he had to save something, it wouldn't be his computer or his thousand DVD collection. He would save his journals. Those are his memories and worth more to him than anything money could buy. I can only hope our scrapbook has made it onto that list of objects he would save. I know I would.

Which brings me to my main point: the gift I actually bought him. It's a pocket watch. Now I've seen a watch or two in his room but he doesn't have one like this. I asked a few people their opinions and they liked the gift. I asked Boots and she said she wasn't sure because she didnt' know his tastes in watches or if he wore them, and said I should ask Tall Boy. Which of course was a genius idea. He is Bear's best friend after all. I then texted Tall Boy to ask his opinion. He replied that he hadn't really known Bear to wear watches all that often, but knows that Bear would love anything that I got him. I then replied that while it was true the Bear would love anything I gave him, I wanted him to like the item itself, rather than liking it solely because I gave it to him. Tall Boy then said that maybe I'll be the reason for Bear to start wearing watches.


The pocket watch will be here by Monday, which coincidentally is also Valentine's Day. It's a gamble and here's hoping I'll role a 7.

On a different gift note, I'm hoping that my other gift, this one for the both of us, will arrive on Monday as well. I ordered this one two days prior to the pocket watch. Let's just say it's an.. intimate gift for the both of us, teehee.

Wednesday, February 9

Procrastinating Responsibilities

It's only a week away from my birthday. Not sure quite yet what I want to do for it. Maybe I'll have a belated party. Last year it was such a huge success. Granted it was combined with my brother cause out birthdays are only a week apart, but it was a lot of fun. I really want to go out though. Wonder what the final verdict will be when my birthday comes. Probably do nothing. Bear, Boots, and Tall Boy all had awesome birthdays. Muse was a celebration for Bear and Boots. Magic Castle was for Tall Boy. On January 30th Bear took me to see Cirque Berzerk, which was fucking awesome. Even took a picture of me with one of the main actors and founder of the bizarre production. Easily one of the most memorable moments I've had with Bear. We have a lot of them though. Must make another scrapbook page. With how much we're building up that scrapbook, I think we'll have several shelves of scrapbooks to come.

Last night Bear and I went to Amoeba in Hollywood. It's one of the largest music retail stores in the United States. Bear came over after he got off work and I drove us to the Metro station in North Hollywood so we could take the subway into Hollywood. Ever since I learned that little trick going to Hollywood has become so much easier now. Fuck paying for parking in Hollywood. Such a rip off and sure we could park on the streets, if I wanted to spent an entire tank of gas looking for a spot. I spent my entire $50 Visa giftcard I won at the crew party on music. Pretty sure I couldn't find a better way to spend that money. I got five new cd's: Nightwish, Opeth, Die Form, Infected Mushroom, and the Burlesque soundtrack. Need to upload them into my iPod. Speaking of, I need a new iPod. My current one doesn't even hold close to half of the music in my library.

That's it for now I suppose. Ciao.

Tuesday, February 8

Life Continues

I finally have all of my classes worked out at school. I have a set work availability. Bear is teaching me how to play WoW (World of Warcraft for those of you who are nerd-challenged). My birthday is making it's yearly visit. Life's interesting.

It's the beginning of the third week of classes at school. It's taking me two full weeks to finally set my schedule, but my struggle has not ended. I may have won this battle, but I still have a war to fight.

Friday, February 4


My guy and I have the entire day off. He came over and picked me up cause we were going to have breakfast. We (meaning he made and I ate) had pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. We then played on the computer for a bit, he taught me a little more of WoW.. sort of. Half the time I don't know what I'm doing. Mostly because he'll say let me see that a second and then do something and then say there you go. Umm, I have no idea what you just did and I don't know what to do with whatever spell or equipment you gave me, thanks though. I want to do something. Go somewhere. Not be in-fucking-doors. He on the other hand wants to just chill and relax. He may wnat to go out later to a happy hour or something. It's a beautiful day out and I don't know what to do because he works hard and deserves some rest, but I'm not really happy unless I'm doing something.

I understand the need for relaxing, I really do. We went out to hookah last night and just relaxed. Normally the hookah place we go to is pretty good, but last ngiht I was disappointed. I only got one good hit off and a slight buzz from that hit. Met up with some good friends of mine and had late night tacos watching Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I only watched a part of it because I fell alseep in Bear's lap on the couch while everyone was watching the movie. Last night was so relaxing. I needed it after the last two weeks I've had. I'm finally done with all the running around I've been doing for school (for the moment at least). I have my class schedule done and now I just need to worry about acing everything. That is my goal. It would really help me in my quest of getting that elusive degree.

I don't really want to tell him I'm unhappy right now, but I'm pretty sure he knows already. He can read me very well. Should I just chill and let him relax or should I nag him and get him to get out of the house? If I do the latter, I have no clue as to what we should do, I just want to get the fuck out. I might just sleep the damned day away and be frustrated. I'll listen to Die Form and read maybe.