Wednesday, June 1

Summer Project

While I do realize I owe myself a post-Rammstein blog, I'm still trying to figure out how to resize the pictures to make them fit in the blog. While I am in the generation that usually knows all about computers, I'm still not very tech savvy. In fact, I'm a technological disaster. Bear would disagree and he's welcome to, I know I tend to make computers go poof. As you may know I've been trying out some of the more creative activities, such as writing, painting, and growing. Now I tackle another project. Not so creative a project, but there must be some creativity otherwise it won't work. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the project is:

My room.

I have a very small room into which I cram many things. From books to record players. Papers to paintings. Boxes (empty ones for some odd reason) to jewelry. Knick-knacks to clothing. Name it, I probably have something close to it in my room. Candles. Gaming consoles. A chair, bed, dresser, entertainment center, computer stand, bookshelves, and a trash can. I must reiterate, I have a VERY small room. All this stuff makes for very minimal walking room. The door is right next to the left wall. Walk into my room and you see my bed pressed against the far wall and left wall, the foot of the bed about 5 feet from the doorway. On the right of the doorway against the wall with the doorway is a bookshelf about three feet wide and a foot deep (looks about that way from where I'm sitting anyway). On the other side of the bookshelf is my double door closet which is really only that wide, the width of the doors themselves about about 2 feet deep. All that's left on that wall is 1 foot of space. My trash can in the the corner of the front and right wall, next to the dresser on the right wall.

Oh, there are also windows on the left and right walls.

Next to the dresser about a half a foot away is the entertainment center, I'd say approximately 5 feet wide. It houses many things, including the mentioned record player and gaming consoles, plus a T.V., Blu-Ray player, various vinyls, cds, cassettes, VHS's, a working VHS machine, some sort of radio equalizer I think (not sure, it's my father's), and probably several pounds of keepsakes in the cabinet underneath the T.V. In between the wall and the entermaint center i about a half a fot of space which houses a sub-wolfer on the floor that is no longer in use but continues to stay there. On the far wall in front of the entertainment center is two small shelves thart contain my rather small but lovable movie collection. They're each about a foot wide. Directly adjacent to that is the computer stand which is about 2.5 feet wide. Directly adjacent to the head of my bed.

We've now come full circle. A small cramped room with lots of random stuff and trash which I just haven't thrown away yet. While I don't consider myself a slob, I am a messy person. It's somewhat of an organized mess. Trash mostly over here, boxes there, books stacked in the corner. The clothes though, now THAT'S my downfall. They're everywhere. Nothing shall be safe from the clothing! Ok maybe I'm a bit tired. It's almost 1am afterall. Stupid work, giving me bad sleep habits. I debated beginning work on my room at this late in the night. Parents and doggies are asleep so there's no one to harass me, but where's the fun in that? I can't get distracted by my lovely doggies wiggling their butts? No home cooked meal to make me follow my nose out of the chaos of my room? No movie playing in the living room, promising to be more entertaining than cleaning?



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