Wednesday, January 26

Ingenuity and Creativity

I recently discovered a TV show that was only two seasons long. It's fascinating, entrancing, intoxicating.. I'm completely envious of those who created the show and the contents of it.

The Hunger

I admit that the concept of a vampire TV show caught my interest, but it's really not about vampires. Each episode is very different. I can't get enough of it. It's twisted and beautiful. If you're interested, just click the link under the picture :)

Friday, January 21

It Begins

Oh college classes, the bane of my existence. Don't get my wrong, I think learning is fantastic. The more I learn the better I become. But learning from our current school system? Even at a college level it's ridiculous. I wonder how much people even learn from a system like this.

Tuesday, January 18

Oh Oh Pick Me!

I woke up well rested today, though something happened again that is starting to baffle me. When I go to sleep at night, I leave my radio through my blu-ray player on. Because of this, I must leave my TV on so that I can hear said radio. For a few nights now when I have woken up, both electronic devices are turned off. It's not every time I go to sleep with them on, only sometimes. Starting to really weird me out. It also happened once when I went to take a shower. I must have only been out of my room for about 45 mins and when I came back, they were off! So weird.

They day started out well. I lazed around in my room with Lexi. Watched a few episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm only on the second book, Earth. I'm really enjoying this series. In fact I may watch another episode before I fall asleep tonight. After that I went to work.

Ah work. The bane of existence for all those who wish to only have fun. Now, when I drive to work I rarely hit traffic. When I drive anywhere, I rarely hit traffic. Today the freeways and streets were PACKED. Good thing that my parents taught me to always leave myself enough time to get to work should something occur that couldn't be planned for. I can get to work and clock on in about 20 minutes, 15 on a really good day. I leave my house 45 minutes early for work. It's a good thing I left myself that 25 minute gap because I nearly needed all of it. I drove, parked, walked, and clocked into work with 2 minutes before I would have been late.

I shall take this moment to thank my Mom and Dad for raising me well.

Upon getting to work I had to figure out real fast how I would proceed with work today. You see, I just joined the crew scheduling team about a month and a half ago. Today would be the first day I would start the process on my own. I didn't do too bad a job, as we began assigning shifts by 2:15pm. I would have liked to be farther along than that, but I think that will just come with practice and a little more planning. By 4:30, we were doing checks to make sure that all the crew had around the same number of days and would have been done had our manager NOT interfered. Last week we had the crew schedule out by 5pm. Our manager even made a point of saying so, I'm sure just doing his best to urge us along. I really just wanted to say, "Look, you want us to be done? Then stop interrupting and let us do the schedule." But I couldn't, so I didn't. He makes too many changes to an already made schedule. I feel like I'm making two different schedules sometimes - ours and his.

I left, or rather was told to go home since we were almost done, at 6:45pm. I was in an impatient mood and there was traffic on the freeway.. at 7pm in the freaking evening! There should be no traffic at this point in the day, but it was on par for the day considering the traffic I ran into in the morning. I went home and chilled for a little, picked up the scrap booking stuff I bought and headed to Bear's. Bear and his family live in a gated community, which means I have to wait at a gate so they can call his house so they make sure he knows I'm coming. With the impatient mood I was in I didn't need the extra 10 minutes sitting in my car waiting to get in when it should have only taken 3 minutes.


When I arrived at Bear's he heated me up some bean stew and let me vent. I hopped up on the counter, ate my soup while sitting up there, and just vented for about 15 minutes. It was just what I needed. Bear always finds a way to cheer me up. Never met a man who can do exactly what I need before I even know I need it before now.

After my venting session we worked on getting pictures together for the continuing scrapbook. I originally made it as a birthday present for him, which he loved. Now we are continuing it with more memories and love. After gathering the pictures we just relaxed and looked through what we had already done. Bear and I.. we have the most wonderful times together. I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life with anyone.

We went downstairs to look for some ice cream or dessert. I was about to dig into the Rocky Road, but I noticed some chocolate fudge bars. I haven't had a fudge bar in years! Bells went off in my head and they went like this - *ding ding ding*

...Wow, sometimes I amuse myself. The really sad thing is that the dings really did go off in head. I have a very strong imagination. Many years ago when my Dad was driving me home from a late soccer practice. I saw someone flick a lit cigarette out the window on the freeway right in front of us. I watched it fly out and land right as we drove over it. My over-active imagination kicked in and I swear I saw our car burst in an explosion from the cigarette somehow making its way into the engine. The visual was so strong that I almost screamed. That would have freaked my dad out.

Anyway, the idea of the fudgescicle sounded better than it tasted. Apparently it was the healthy brand kind. I prefer my unhealthy kind. They taste much better. Aunt Flo also decided to begin her monthly visit. I hate her. Well, I'm glad she's here but I hate what she brings with her. The pain was awful this time around. Bear offered to give me a massage and oh my lord was it amazing. It felt like all the pressure just left from my lower back. Might just have to have him give a massage every time she comes to town.

Time to sleep. Ciao.

Monday, January 17

What Are You Living For?

I have no writing regimen. I never know when I'm going to write or what I'll write about. The ideas strike me at all hours and if I remember or am near a computer I'll post about it. It also helps if I have no distractions, like chatting on facebook chat or talking on the phone. I want music to be blasting while I write. I'll even sing along in a horrible tone with a song I know the lyrics for. I go on music addictions, show addictions, place addictions.. pretty much any addiction that tickles my fancy. One addiction that I've never understood though is any drug addiction. There is one and only one addiction that I can never quit and frankly I never want to.

Fun. Fun is my addiction.

Dancing and singing to some ridiculous song.

Running in the mud for the purpose of finishing a 10km race.

Kicking the ball around with a bunch of guys and kicking their butts.

Screaming my head off while going through a corkscrew part of a roller-coaster.

Falling on my ass while trying to learn how to roller-skate backwards.

Running around like a madwoman with my three boxers in the backyard.

Biting into a new food Bear cooked for me.

Sitting on a swing, enjoying the weather and nature.

Revisiting a place from my childhood and rediscovering why I loved it so much.

Rocking out to Guitar Hero and Rock Band with my Mom.

Paying $15 to watch old movies in a cemetery in the middle of summer.

Making faces at my niece and listening to her laugh and growl.

Meeting up with family members I haven't talked to in months.

Reconnecting with friends I've made online.

Working on a homemade project for years to come.

Ok, so you get the idea. I love fun. I love how it makes me feel. I love passing that fun onto others. My main goal in life is just that: to have fun and create fun for others. Now, if I could turn that into a successful occupation I'd be set for life!

The actual inspiration for this particular blog was the present I gave to Bear for Christmas. It was a leather bound journal with an ambigram of the word journal on the cover. My parents bought the accompanying pen for him to complete the present. After he opened it his face just lit up and I was so happy he liked it. There was only one thing - he wanted me to make the first journal entry! He had been trying to get my to write in his journal for months now. I prefer the blogging way, but I consented after protesting for a bit. I'm still partly afraid of letting him into the far reaches of my brain, only because I'm still mending. But after all, if it's possible for one person to hurt and break you, then it's possible for another person to come along and put you back together.

So yea, enough of my rambling. Which is what I did in the journal entry for Bear. He loved it. I'm still a little unsure of having written it, but it is what it is. I'm putting myself out there more and more and I have not been disappointed by the results.

Love you, Bear.


I'm not usually one to lose sleep. In fact, I like sleep. I like it very much. But it seems tonight that it shall elude me until I find a way to fix it. Blogging seemed like something that might amuse me enough to spend some energy on. It's not to arcade blast that I had the other night, but it will have to do.

Nothing much happened today. I woke up and lazed around the house. Had a gigantic bowl of multi-grain cheerios. Cuddled on the couch with my dog, Jax. Watched some early George Carlin stand-up with my Dad. Showered and left for work.

Work was definitely interesting today. First off, I was working the host stand today. I found out that they will be giving me the SUnday shift in the Cafe so I can learn running and bussing as well as be good at hosting. Hosting really isn't so bad. It goes a little something like this:

"Table for (insert number), please."
"What time is your movie?"
"(insert time)."
"Alrighty. Follow me."
*seat the guests*

Complicated right?

Today was excruciatingly slow. There were two football playoff games, a laker game, and the Golden Globes were on tonight. That KILLED our business. Not to mention that it was a nice fraking day outside. Despite the winds gusting up to 75 mph, it was clear, sunny, and 83 degrees. Got to love southern California weather! I swear it's bipolar. Cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, hot... making everyone and their mother sick with colds. Good thing I have an orange tree in the backyard. Nothing beats early cold symptoms like pure vitamin C.

Well, guess my little plan worked. Laying in bed, getting my random thoughts down helped me relax just enough to where I know I can fall asleep. I'd like to thank Orchy and Bear for getting me started on this writing/blogging craze. It's better sleep meds than, well... sleep meds.

Sunday, January 16

Some Things And Some Other Things

I haven't written in awhile, mostly because of the lack of motivation I have to write. I've been thinking about it and well.. I write half for myself and half for whoever decides to read the crap that goes on inside my head. I haven't felt like many people have wanted a peek into the depths of my mind, so I stopped writing for a bit. Now the need to write for myself has overwhelmed the desire to write for you. Yay me!

A few nights ago Bear and I returned to a place neither of us has been to in many years - the arcade. Not an arcade at a bowling alley or at a mall, but an ARCADE. You know.. where everyone only cares about playing the games, having fun, beating the shit out of the other guy, or being the scoreboard leader. Tonight we went back again because I was restless and that small taste from a few nights ago got me a little addicted to going to the arcade again. I wanted to go somewhere that I could let out some energy. Do something that required physical activity. What is physically demanding at an arcade, you ask? (I don't care if you did or not, this is my monologue!) I have three letters for you - DDR. Sad but true, it is one of my favorite arcade games. Ever. Yes, I have the game at home. Yes, it would be cheaper to play at home. But it's a whole different experience. The arcade game is loud, flashy, and the dance mats are exactly what I need to play the game. No one to tell me to turn the music down, no one getting in the way of the TV, and I don't have to focus on not stepping on a dog if they decide to step in my way.

Bear, thanks for taking me. It was a wonderful night and a great $3.50 well spent!

There's a few things I must update on. First up - New Years. I wasn't sure how I was going to spend this past New Years Eve and Day. After some failed attempts to get a hold of some people, other people cancelling, and options running out, I ended up partying with my Mom, Dad, and a bunch of my Mom's friends. We had a blast! I got trashed with my Mom's coworker, we played pool all night, and I didn't get home until about 4:45 in the morning. Now that was a VERY fun time. Unexpected is an understatement of epic proportions. Best New Years party I've been to in many, many years. Oh, and Bear kissed me at midnight. That was the first time that I have ever been kissed at midnight on New Years. I don't have many firsts left, and I'm glad Bear was my first, and hopefully only one, that has kissed me at midnight on New Years.

Two things now that include work. First, I'm going to be starting off the scheduling for the following work week by myself until the others come in two hours later than they normally would. This is the first time I'm going to be kicking things off by myself, so I hope I do better than expected. Next is a situation that happened approximately a week ago. I call it the Shit Day From Hell. There's really no need to go into details, but I can honestly say that it was the single worst day I've had since working at the Dream Factory. So bad in fact, that I even had a mini breakdown. Oh well, if one Shit Day From Hell is all I have to put up with each year, I think I'd like to stay working there for awhile.

Now for the exciting one! While working yesterday, I met one of my favorite comedians and somehow managed to get put on his personal guest list for two tickets to see his show in two weeks! Who is this mystery person, you ask? (Remember, MY monologue!) Christopher Titus. Christopher fucking Titus!! *squealhappydancezomgfalls*

Also, I'm finally off academic probation at school. Yay! Now it's just a matter of crashing classes once again. Fun times.

So, that's an update on my life. I feel better now that I've written all the stuff since New Years. I've been trying to motivate myself to write again, but I guess I just needed a little exercise to get the creative juices flowing! I may have found my inspiration... any kind of physical activity. Preferably something outdoors and away from home. I should exercise more often!