Wednesday, June 2


It’s been really boring at home lately.  Stuck indoors with nothing to do, only there are things I can do, just nothing entertaining.  I was watching more Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes when I had an idea – I should make some lemonade!  Very random I know, but when I’m bored I tend to have extremely random thoughts that would catch my fancy and do them to entertain myself.  We have a dwarf lemon tree in the front yard that is over-flowing with lemons.  So I decided to surf the web for some lemonade recipes.  When attempting to make lemonade in the past, it never came out right.  I think I found something that makes sense as to why that is.  When adding the sugar to lemonade, I usually add it as is – granulated sugar.  That makes it sink to the bottom of lemonade concoction, not making it taste as lemonade should.  Let’s see, the ingredients are lemonade, water, and sugar.  Should seem very simple.  One recipe made sense, use the sugar and water to make simple syrup.  Of course!  That will make the sugar dispersed throughout the entire lemonade, making it just as sweet as lemonade should be.

So I tried it.  It works perfectly.  I used a little more lemon juice to give a small biting after taste and, oh, it’s delicious!  I think next week I’ll start on weeding the backyard for a garden I’m forbidden to plant, but it will keep me occupied and outdoors.  Outdoors being the most important part of the equation.  I’ve been cooped up at home since Spring classes are over.  Slightly going out of my mind from boredom.


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