Friday, September 24

Update on Bubbles' Life

So, true to my word, I shall update anyone who actually reads this on my life. I left of leaving you in dire anticipation (ok, maybe not, but I'd like to think so) of what became of my school schedule and how the very gross cyst was doing on my underarm. So lets begin:

My school schedule has been solidified and set in stone. I actually managed to get the classes I wanted, needed, and in the times I wanted them. The perfect trifecta! It worried me a little bit because in my experience NOTHING runs that smoothly without crap happening right after to screw up my life. Nothing bad happened this time though and now the only school related stress I have is doing well in those classes. Such a relief! I got some sleep caught up on, schoolwork caught up on, and went to work with a better and clearer head on my shoulders. I still have been closing a lot, but since I finally got my school schedule settled, I put in a new availability sheet and can work during the week during specific hours.

Now, onto that stupid little cyst. I went to the doctor's and they diagnosed it as a sebaceous cyst. I took the antibiotics they prescribed me and after 10 days of taking 2 pills a day, it went down completely. All that's left is my appointment with dermatology to get the sac that the fluid from the cyst was in taken out. Here's where I get angry. Not with the doctor's office, but with work.

At work, we have weekly sheets where you can request a day off. If you need to request less than 2 days off in a row, we have to sign up on those request sheets. I find it lame that we have to wait until the week before an event if we just want 1 day off to know if we can even get the day off. Hope that makes sense to you, cause it really does make me angry.

This weekend I have a lot of stuff going on that I wanted to get days off for. I rarely ask for days off. Today (9/24) is my best friend's birthday! Happy birthday Boots :D Tomorrow Tallboy bought me, Boots, Bear, and himself tickets to go see Muse in concert! I'm so excited for that. Sunday is Bear's birthday and I can't wait to give him his gift. I've been working on it for a week, but only started putting it together two days ago. It's turning out great, I just hope he likes it. It's a huge gamble and I'm going for the odds. My appointment with Dermatology to get the sac taken out is Monday.

Anyway, back to my point. I asked for Friday off, Saturday off, a mid-shift on Sunday, and Monday off. I got scheduled Friday night, Saturday during the day, Sunday during the day, and in the evening on Monday.


I can deal with Friday night, I just really didn't want to miss yet another night out with Boots, especially on her birthday. She understands and I think her for understanding. I'm going to try and see if I can leave a little early, but with 4 opening movies last week and another 4 opening this week, I highly doubt it. I also can't wait until her present comes in the mail, she's really going to like it. Saturday was just NOT going to happen. I did the best I could to fix the situation and the best I could do was switch for an opening shift instead of a day shift so that I could still go to the Muse concert and celebrate the birthdays of the two closest people to me who are not blood relatives, or my dogs. I love my doggies :D And seriously, when am I ever going to get the chance to see Muse in concert?

To quote Orchy, "But I digress.." Hehe.

Sunday was the only day that I was granted what I wanted, a mid-shift during the day. I can see Bear after work and give him his present.. oooooooooooh I'm so excited to give it to him, but like I mentioned before I'm still very nervous to give it to him. Monday, that was the second biggest scheduling conflict that mad me angry. I have my Dermatology appointment like I mentioned earlier. Let's see.. getting my underarm numbed, cut open, and sewn back together and then going to work? I don't think so. Just a little bit earlier today I managed to find a coworker who would take my Monday shift. Thank goodness. I have been trying since Tuesday night when the schedule came out to find coverage.

Wow, that was a lot to write and think back on.

Oh! I passed my first Chemistry test with a 92%. Woot! I didn't do so well on my first Food Science test, but I have been doing well on the homework assignments so I think I'll be alright. I just need to study a little harder. I should also be focusing a little more on my Sociology class, thinking about that one has kind of gone by the wayside from my core classes.

Bad Bubbles, baaaaaaaaad.


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