Saturday, March 19


I always have the intention to write at least once a week. To do so even more often than that would be helpful. You see, I write more often than is actually posted because I get distracted. I should probably just show you.

From 2.10.11

Good morning!

So I've been feeling a little self-conscious lately. It's a little of a downward spiral. I've gained back a lot of weight from last summer. I know I should exercise but I can't really find the motivation to do so. My health should be my motivation. The Mud Run that I'm participating in once June comes around should also be a huge motivation. I can't wait until it does come around. Lucky and myself are running in it. First time in several years I'll have a running partner! Yay! I wish Bear would run with me, but he still has a torn ACL. He's been debating not getting the surgery because he's walking almost normally. The ACL is one of four major ligaments in the lower leg. It would bother me if he didn't get the surgery. I think he knows that, but ultimately it's his decision. I would be mighty upset though, lol. /end

From 2.14.11

Before I get started on Valentine's Day, which happens to be my Grandfather's Birthday as well, I want to talk about my work a little bit.

Yesterday work was a little interesting. I was scheduled at Ops 2, which translates into working with the actual theaters in the building. I was curious to see what area I'd be put in. It was either seating, portering (which is our way of saying cleaning up after people), greeting, dealing with 3D glasses, restroom portering, or ticket taking. Except for greeting and seating, I don't care much for the others. Luckily for me when I picked up the roster plan for the day, I was listed as a seater. Yay! I could deal with that. You know what.. restroom portering isn't so bad as long as you keep up with it. I'm one of the better restroom porters at work because I actually stay on top of keeping the woman's restrooms clean. I'll saunter back and forth between the main and back restrooms, taking my time to eat up my shift. At the end of my shift, I gotten no complaints and I know I've done my job. /end

From 3.7.11

There is a few things that I failed to touch upon during the month of February, including Valentine's Day and my Birthday.

Valentine's Day was really more a celebration of /end

As you can see, I DO write. It's more a matter of finishing what I begin. Not that I don't want to, I just get distracted very easily and then lose my train of thought. I'm also somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to writing down what goes on in my brain that it's often hard to write down what I want to get across. Though as I see this blog as more of a journal than a hi-look-at-my-blog-too-don't-you-wanna-see-what-i'm-thinking type thing. Well to finish up several thoughts and begin new ones, there's only a few days I shall touch upon: Valentine's day, my birthday, the 13th of March at work, and St. Patrick's Day 2011. Let's begin.

Valentine's Day was really a celebration of my anniversary with Bear. To keep in line with my epic gift ideas, I did end up giving him that pocket watch I was debating on so much. He loved it. And this was the first gift I gave to him that I spent a good deal amount of money on. We're more into the get-me-something-not-monetary-value-but-sentimental-value gifts. Which is why we're working on the scrapbook so much. It's just fun. He helps me design the pages for the different days and I put everything into its permanent place. He got me this beautiful heart necklace, which I'll be honest, I wasn't into it at first. But it's very cute and accessorises well. It's on a long black cloth rope and is gold colored. It grew on me and I wore it for several days following that day. It was a great day spent just like last year, eating Subway sandwiches in the park and heading back home to just chill.

Good lord, it's already 1am.. must finish..

My birthday. One word: FUN! Bear and Boots planned a small get together at a place called Los Toros. Been there only once before and I really liked it. They're known for their Margaritas and chip 'n dip combo. I have several pictures of that on my fb. Unless you're a friend on mine already in there, no, I will not add you too see. Deal with it.

Not much went on during the days in between then and now. Pretty much was SSDD. For those you unfamiliar with the expression, it means Same Shit Different Day. Work, school, pay for gas. Work, school, see Boots. Work, school, see Bear. Repeat. Now as for March 13th.. I won't dwell on it too long otherwise it will just piss me off again. I worked the morning shift at work and when one of my coworkers came in a little after me, I knew something was wrong with him. He walked stiff but also had this air of "fuck off" about him. He was showing no emotion at all and was pretty much being rude to everyone. I mean, I know some people can have a bad day, but ffs it was still only 10:30 in the morning. Get the fuck over it. Not to mention later in the while trying deal with him and his interactions with other people at work, the fire alarm goes off.

Fire alarm in a movie theater. Not. Fun.

It went pretty smooth though. It was a false alarm and nothing we could prevent. Anyway, we got pretty much every back into their movies and got things rolling again. Luckily I was leaving and didn't have to deal with that specific coworker anymore, but I let my Lead coming in know about the situation with the fire alarm and also about the coworker. I asked her later how the rest of the day went. Man, I am SO glad I wasn't there. Apparently my coworker who had the stick up his ass started going nuts and yelling at people to hurry even though they had time to do what was needed before the next set of movies started. Whatever.

Onto a better note now! St.Patrick's Day was a lot of fun. I met up with Bear and we went to dinner at a cozy little place by my house. I love it there. Everything there I'd say is pretty much comfort food and it tastes AMAZING. I never leave dissatisfied. After dinner we headed out the Key Club in Hollywood to support a good friend of mine's band. They were fantastic. I also liked the band that played right before them. might just have to start following them. My friend's band played a rock version of Billy Jean. It was too fucking awesome.

Ok, I'm exhausted and trying to not get sick at the current moment so I think this is where I call it quits. Finally updated all my shit I wanted to. Quite a long blog I must say. Though really, it's several in one.

Night everyone. It is now 1:23am.


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