Monday, January 17

What Are You Living For?

I have no writing regimen. I never know when I'm going to write or what I'll write about. The ideas strike me at all hours and if I remember or am near a computer I'll post about it. It also helps if I have no distractions, like chatting on facebook chat or talking on the phone. I want music to be blasting while I write. I'll even sing along in a horrible tone with a song I know the lyrics for. I go on music addictions, show addictions, place addictions.. pretty much any addiction that tickles my fancy. One addiction that I've never understood though is any drug addiction. There is one and only one addiction that I can never quit and frankly I never want to.

Fun. Fun is my addiction.

Dancing and singing to some ridiculous song.

Running in the mud for the purpose of finishing a 10km race.

Kicking the ball around with a bunch of guys and kicking their butts.

Screaming my head off while going through a corkscrew part of a roller-coaster.

Falling on my ass while trying to learn how to roller-skate backwards.

Running around like a madwoman with my three boxers in the backyard.

Biting into a new food Bear cooked for me.

Sitting on a swing, enjoying the weather and nature.

Revisiting a place from my childhood and rediscovering why I loved it so much.

Rocking out to Guitar Hero and Rock Band with my Mom.

Paying $15 to watch old movies in a cemetery in the middle of summer.

Making faces at my niece and listening to her laugh and growl.

Meeting up with family members I haven't talked to in months.

Reconnecting with friends I've made online.

Working on a homemade project for years to come.

Ok, so you get the idea. I love fun. I love how it makes me feel. I love passing that fun onto others. My main goal in life is just that: to have fun and create fun for others. Now, if I could turn that into a successful occupation I'd be set for life!

The actual inspiration for this particular blog was the present I gave to Bear for Christmas. It was a leather bound journal with an ambigram of the word journal on the cover. My parents bought the accompanying pen for him to complete the present. After he opened it his face just lit up and I was so happy he liked it. There was only one thing - he wanted me to make the first journal entry! He had been trying to get my to write in his journal for months now. I prefer the blogging way, but I consented after protesting for a bit. I'm still partly afraid of letting him into the far reaches of my brain, only because I'm still mending. But after all, if it's possible for one person to hurt and break you, then it's possible for another person to come along and put you back together.

So yea, enough of my rambling. Which is what I did in the journal entry for Bear. He loved it. I'm still a little unsure of having written it, but it is what it is. I'm putting myself out there more and more and I have not been disappointed by the results.

Love you, Bear.


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