Monday, January 17


I'm not usually one to lose sleep. In fact, I like sleep. I like it very much. But it seems tonight that it shall elude me until I find a way to fix it. Blogging seemed like something that might amuse me enough to spend some energy on. It's not to arcade blast that I had the other night, but it will have to do.

Nothing much happened today. I woke up and lazed around the house. Had a gigantic bowl of multi-grain cheerios. Cuddled on the couch with my dog, Jax. Watched some early George Carlin stand-up with my Dad. Showered and left for work.

Work was definitely interesting today. First off, I was working the host stand today. I found out that they will be giving me the SUnday shift in the Cafe so I can learn running and bussing as well as be good at hosting. Hosting really isn't so bad. It goes a little something like this:

"Table for (insert number), please."
"What time is your movie?"
"(insert time)."
"Alrighty. Follow me."
*seat the guests*

Complicated right?

Today was excruciatingly slow. There were two football playoff games, a laker game, and the Golden Globes were on tonight. That KILLED our business. Not to mention that it was a nice fraking day outside. Despite the winds gusting up to 75 mph, it was clear, sunny, and 83 degrees. Got to love southern California weather! I swear it's bipolar. Cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, hot... making everyone and their mother sick with colds. Good thing I have an orange tree in the backyard. Nothing beats early cold symptoms like pure vitamin C.

Well, guess my little plan worked. Laying in bed, getting my random thoughts down helped me relax just enough to where I know I can fall asleep. I'd like to thank Orchy and Bear for getting me started on this writing/blogging craze. It's better sleep meds than, well... sleep meds.


Anonymous said...


Bubbles said...

And here I thought I had an intelligent comment :P


Anonymous said...


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