Friday, February 4


My guy and I have the entire day off. He came over and picked me up cause we were going to have breakfast. We (meaning he made and I ate) had pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. We then played on the computer for a bit, he taught me a little more of WoW.. sort of. Half the time I don't know what I'm doing. Mostly because he'll say let me see that a second and then do something and then say there you go. Umm, I have no idea what you just did and I don't know what to do with whatever spell or equipment you gave me, thanks though. I want to do something. Go somewhere. Not be in-fucking-doors. He on the other hand wants to just chill and relax. He may wnat to go out later to a happy hour or something. It's a beautiful day out and I don't know what to do because he works hard and deserves some rest, but I'm not really happy unless I'm doing something.

I understand the need for relaxing, I really do. We went out to hookah last night and just relaxed. Normally the hookah place we go to is pretty good, but last ngiht I was disappointed. I only got one good hit off and a slight buzz from that hit. Met up with some good friends of mine and had late night tacos watching Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I only watched a part of it because I fell alseep in Bear's lap on the couch while everyone was watching the movie. Last night was so relaxing. I needed it after the last two weeks I've had. I'm finally done with all the running around I've been doing for school (for the moment at least). I have my class schedule done and now I just need to worry about acing everything. That is my goal. It would really help me in my quest of getting that elusive degree.

I don't really want to tell him I'm unhappy right now, but I'm pretty sure he knows already. He can read me very well. Should I just chill and let him relax or should I nag him and get him to get out of the house? If I do the latter, I have no clue as to what we should do, I just want to get the fuck out. I might just sleep the damned day away and be frustrated. I'll listen to Die Form and read maybe.


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