Thursday, July 15

The Little Things

It's always the little things isn't it?  I did manage to accomplish a few things today.  I printed out my paper this morning to present to my class.  It was totally fun reading about how inadequate breakfast consumption affects the energy profiles of preschool children.. Right. I also got my room picked up and will start laundry tomorrow. 

Work tomorrow.. blah.

I met up with Boots and her cousin to take them to see Eclipse.  Awful fucking movie.  Don't hold your breath for it.  We had dinner before at the Cheesecake Factory.  hey treated me to dinner for taking them to see Eclipse for free.  I was really nice.  Long Island Iced-Tea never tasted so good!

I came home and as soon as I was relaxed, my left nostril plugged up and started dripping down my throat while that damned spot in the back of my throat turned dry.  This is how it always starts.  I hate getting sick.  It's probably because of the sudden shift in weather as well as the smoke from that fire that happened two days ago.  So here I sit with my tea infused with honey and lemon, hoping to ward off this invading microscopic bad thingy.  If not, I may have to use Dreamer's secret home recipe to thwart it's grasp on me.  Nyquil is also a solution, one I hope to use as a last resort, though I sleep so much better after using it when I'm sick.  Not like it was made for that or anything.

Well, time to turn my ceiling fan down and get some rest.

Hope I don't dream of sparkly douchebags.


Anonymous said...

Cheesecake Factory = LOVE! I experienced it for the first time when I was in NY a few months ago, I really wish we had them here. At least you got some awesome food and drinks out of having to sit through the movie. =D

Sucks that you're getting sick, but at least you know you need to rest and nip it in the butt before it really knocks you down. Hope you feel better doll!

Ani Chakiryan said...

LOL!!! My oh so wonderful home remedy. ^_^ I still remember your mom walking in and sneezing after she smelled it XD

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