Friday, July 9

Strange Dreams Have Found Us..

I've come to realize that I don't have funny dreams, only weird ones.  The other day I was really tired and decided to lay down onthe couch and watch once again the documentary of The Doors "When You're Strange".  If you have not seen it and are a fan, I highly recommend it.  When I first watched it I was quite fascinated, not only by the journey of The Doors, but by Hollywood's accurate portrayel of their journey.  The movie "The Doors" is right on track with what really happened to the band.  Score one for Hollywood.  Now, if they could only get the billions of other movies right.  Anyway, I've seen it before and I loved the documentary, so I figured I'd relax and watch once again the story of one of my favorite bands.  Apparently I was more tired than I thought because I passed out within the first few minutes of the documentary, Lexie sleeping cuddled against me.  For those that don't know, Lexie is my newest doggie.  She's a boxer.

My first hallucination was of my mom walking in the door.  Now, I must have dreamed this around 4:45pm.  My mom gets home at about 6pm everyday of the week.  I swear I heard the door open and her walk inside, mentioning how cute Lexie and I looked and snuggled up on the couch.

My second dream was of Banteng Muda, Cloud, and my niece comign over.  Banteng Muda is my brother and Cloud is his wife.  I like Cloud, she's a sweety, but she does get on my nerves when she doesn't mind what time it is.  Anyway, they came to visit with my niece, exept something was very wrong.  Now my niece is almost 4 weeks old, but the girl they wheeled into my house on the stroller did NOT look llike she was 4 weeks old.  She looked like she could be about 10 years old.  The really wierd thing is she acted like she was 4 weeks old.  The only sound she made was a cooing sound.  The only person who thought this was strange was me.  After they left I tried convicing my mother that something was really wrong.  Ever seen the movie "Jack" with RObin Williams about the kid who had a genetic disease that made him grow old at a rapid pace and die at an early age?  That's what it reminded me of.  I woke up in the middle of trying to convince my mom that something was terribly wrong.

Gotta love my dreams...


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