Monday, May 24

5.24 Wrap Up

Today was a rather dull day.  I accomplished very little and yet am still satisfied with myself.  

Woke up around my normal time of 8:00 in the morning.  Laid in bed with my doggies for a few hours. Played around on my new laptop that my amazing boyfriend, Bear, gave to me.  He is such a sweetheart.  There was a special offer that his work had going on where you could trade in a computer in order to get a discount or something of the like on a new one if purchased at his store.  Apparently there was a woman who wanted to trade in her laptop for a new one, but she was too late as the special offer they were running had already expired.  Well, she let them take her laptop anyway because she had no idea how to fix it nor did she seem to care to want it fixed.  The used laptop had been sitting in the store for awhile and Bear thought of me because I had mentioned on several occasions that I would eventually like a laptop to call my own.  I had been sharing Dreamer's laptop for several weeks now.  He asked his boss if he could have it to fiddle around with.  So he brought it home, cleaned it up, did a little tinkering around on it, installed some delightful programs for me to enjoy, and viola!  New laptop for Bubbles.  I was at a loss for words.  I still am.  

After I managed to drag myself out of my comfortable bed with my doggies all around me, I fed my growling stomach and did some chores that needed to be done.  Strangely it felt nice to just do the humble task of vacuuming.  It was comforting in a way.  I've always liked the task of cleaning up something.  Through doing these I realize I was not meant to multi-task.  Whatever concentration I may have had a grasp on quickly dissipates with the ever mounting distractions.  While doing this I continued to watch the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series.  The show is a little old but I had never really watched it when it was on air.  Since my parents have a Netflix account and Mom has her Xbox 360 Live subscription, well, let's just say I've been playing catch up.  Having loved the movie, I wanted to see what the craze was all about.  It's also quite interesting to discover how many people love the Buffy TV series, but have never watched the movie that it was based off of.  Baffling.  Speaking of shows watched on DVD, does anyone know how many seasons of Legend of the Seeker there are? I would very much like to know.  

Getting my fill of TV nonsense, I headed off to work.  I recently acquired a job at a local movie theater.  So far I'm enjoying it.  We'll call it the Dream Factory, for that's the name all the crew members call it.  Attendance was really low, even for a Monday night, so they had to cut some hours.  Which means that I got about three and a half hours worth of work in, but I didn't really mind.  It was the season finale of The Big Bang Theory tonight and I did not want to miss it.  I could have used the cash though.  I’m still waiting on my Dad to tell me how much I owe them.  I’m estimating somewhere around $600-$700.  That’s a long story in itself, though I can create a short version – heartbreak turned into credit card spree.  Enough said.

When I was watching the Finale of Big Bang, my best friend Boots called me and wanted to share some gossip.  She happened to see a picture on Facebook of an ex-boyfriend of mine, ex-friend to her.  Boots was funny.  On some shallow level she was glad I wasn’t together with him anymore because he looked like a pudgy 40 year old balding man. And really, he DID look that way.  In some very, very shallow way I’m glad too.  Also, glad I’m not in love with the bastard anymore.  He ripped my heart out.  I understand that life changes and people change, but I won’t ever forgive that boy.  That’s all he is.  A boy with no understanding of what he has lost. I pray he finds out and regrets his decision for the rest of his natural born life.  Okay, so I’m still bitter.  Who wouldn’t be? 

I woke up a week ago with severe back pain.  I think it’s a pulled muscle, though I’m not sure how I managed to do it. 

Plans for tomorrow!  Seeing Bear, Dreamer, and Spaz!  I haven’t seen Spaz since we graduated from high school together.  I’m so excited.



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