Thursday, May 27

5.25 Wrap Up

Been sitting on this blog for over a day.  Finally got the time to post it.

I met up with Bear and Dreamer today.  Dreamer was supposed to meet me at my house before Bear got off of work, but she neglected to mention the pit stop at the bookstore.  Bear arrived before her.  Poor guy, he’s been worked too hard.  Now he’s been scheduled to work crazy hours to help his store remodel.  Bear keeps saying he should learnt the word no.  I think that makes him special.  He’s like me; he likes to please those around him.  It gets us into trouble sometimes, but I don’t think it really does.  We enjoy helping out others, even if it becomes slightly detrimental to ourselves.  For me, it’s being selfish in it’s seemingly selflessness.  I like to help those around me.  Anyway, Bear was really hungry when he got to my Cellular Station, so called because all my friends say it looks like a cell phone company with all the antennae sticking out from the back and on the roof.  I always giggled when I heard that description. 

Once Dreamer arrived we went to Subway.  Bear satisfied his hunger and then some.  So much for leftovers!  Spaz finally came over.  Oh I had so much fun with having her over!  The four of us went to the store for some alcohol and snacks cause we were going to have ourselves a old fashioned movie night.  We watched The Hangover to get us started and then Ninja Assassin.  Drinks, chocolate and cheddar snacks (not all in one), and went merriment all around.  The night was a fantabulous success and I can’t wait to see Spaz again. 

Had a serious debate with my friend.  He’s in a serious spot emotionally.  I don’t know exactly what to do other than listen.  It’s all I can do and I sometimes feel sad because that really is all I can do.  Moral support person, that’s me. 


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