Friday, October 15


I have a friend who's going through a tough time and it makes me sad that I can't do much to help. He lives clear across the country, but he's been one of my good friends for nearly two years now. I know that this time of year is very hard for him. Holiday season. I don't think holiday season is really fun for anyone. The idea of holiday season is in a way romantic... maybe that isn't the correct word, but it's the closest I could come up with. You get to see those dearest to you and celebrate just knowing them, being with the people who make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.

Anyway.. I feel as if I can't do anything to help my friend. I want to be there and listen, but I'm busy as I know he is as well. Should that really get in my way though? I don't think it matters that I'm busy, friends find the time to talk, to help each other out. I should be putting more effort into the friendship. I just hope he knows that I still consider him one of my best friends.

What can I do to show him that I still care, even when we don't talk?


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