Monday, October 18

Gloomy Weather Makes a Happy Bubbles

Having rain at this time in the year is strange. Normally it's blasting winds combined with unnatural heat, creating the lovely southern California fire season. At the moment it's overcast, misting now and again, and cold. Oh, how this weather makes me happy! I can wear my collection of spiffy scarves. I can wear jackets without sweating my ass off. I can wear gloves with funky print and still be considered normal. Hot chocolate will be drank by the gallons and spiked every now and then (trust me, it's delicious). Days like this are treasured by me and those weird enough to be like me. I was one of those kids who people warned about being in the rain too long would make you sick. Hah! I rarely got sick because of that. I only ever get sick if the weather changes too quickly for my body to adjust.

A warm bed, a cuddling partner, some music, hot chocolate, and a good book is all I'm looking to get out of today.

I'm still stuck on Starlight.. *sings in a loud off-key voice*



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