Thursday, August 26

College Headache

I've been ridiculously busy with school these past few days.. hell, since Monday started. So many complications, so many questions left up in the air and unanswered that I feel very lost and confused. There's so many paths I could be put on right now, none exactly scary, but it's that fact that I can't plan for what will surely come. I don't know what will surely come. I have to plan in several different directions right now which is so difficult.

I've been running around my campus trying to figure my status as a student. I finally found out I was readmitted for sure. Oh, wait! I have to play the waiting game because some teachers from the summer hasn't posted other students grades, which apparently affects me even though MY teachers have posted my grades. I have to wait for A&R to get those grades and change my status from DQ'ed to Admitted. That may not happen until next week... NEXT WEEK. Why don't they just kill me already?

I've been running around the past two days trying to crash classes in order to be added to those classes. They are classes that I need. I have to wait until tomorrow to find out for one of the courses that has a lecture and lab component. For another course I have to wait until next week. Though since I'm already signed up for a class at a community college that will transfer over as the second course, I think I'll stick with that one. That was found out yesterday after spending about half my day at campus in the 110 degree heat walking like a mad woman trying to crash classes.

Flash to today. I woke up, showered and went straight to campus. I've been to 3 classes today, one which had a lecture and lab. Couldn't get into that first one that has lecture and lab. Go eat. Get to another course, but the spots have already been given away.. damn. The teacher told me that she was teaching another class of the same course later this evening. Go to another course. I have to wait until the third week of classes until I know if I'm in that class. Give me a freaking break. Go eat. Now I'm sitting and waiting to see if I can get into that second class of the teacher I went to earlier. About a half hour before the class starts. I have a headache.

I've been all over campus in the same heat as yesterday. In and out of air-conditioned, and not so air-conditioned, buildings. I hope I don't get sick. If I get into this class, I won't leave for home until 9:45, if the teacher keeps us here that long. So, I left my house a little after 10 in the morning. Crashed classes at 11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, and waiting to crash this class that starts at 7:00pm.

I just want to go home and sleep so I can be rested in case I have to cancel my doctor's appointment to crash a different class of that same course I'm trying to crash now. Oh and if I get into that class that has a lab component, I have lab tomorrow at 1:00pm.

Isn't college life grand?


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