Saturday, August 28

Doctor's Visit

Went to the doctor yesterday for something I've been tracking that's unusual. I noticed what I thought was a pimple that hadn't come out yet on my under arm for a couple of weeks. But it started to get bigger and not come forward. Then in a matter days it doubled in size, which means it was as big as a nickel and hard to the touch. Luckily it wasn't sensitive. If it had been, I probably would have been sent to walk-in surgery. But that was it, no more waiting. I made an appointment to see my doctor. I nearly had to cancel it because of the school situation I'm in, but luckily I didn't have to.

Got to the medical offices and waited for my turn. Good thing I made an appointment, I was in the waiting room less than anyone else there. My blood pressure was higher than it normally registers as, but that's probably because I've been stressing for this entire week about my school situation. It wasn't that high compared to other people: only 117/66. Last time it was 98/62, which is about normal for me.

Man, I need to start exercising again. I feel gross and unhealthy.

The doctor took a look at it and said it was basically a cyst that would have normally come out, but it got irritated and stayed underneath the skin. He diagnosed it as a Sebaceous Cyst. He drained it a little bit to see if it was infected, but luckily only blood came out of it. He stuck it with a needle and twisted it around a little to make sure there wasn't any pus. Good thing I have a high pain tolerance, otherwise I would have screamed from that pain. Don't get me wrong, it hurt like a motherfucker, but it was (barely) within my tolerance range.

He prescribed me some antibiotics which I have to take twice a day and I have a follow-up appointment with Dermatology to get the sac of the cyst removed. Hopefully it goes down enough that I don't actually have to go to walk-in surgery. Ugh, warm compresses to make the cyst drain on it's own, antibiotics, band-aids that rip my skin off.. I should have gotten this taken care of sooner, but what can I say.. I guess down to my core I'm just a procrastinator. If my own health doesn't motivate me, what will? Then again, most people don't think about their health. Obesity, diabetes, and any other diseases than can be prevented don't stop people from getting them.

Makes me sad.


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